Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Aspen a Mountain Peak in Edmond Oklahoma

Another coffee adventure begins!  Aspen coffee being the final destination. After meeting with friends this past weekend for coffee, a friend suggested I write on this shop. My friend Marrissa stated, “Aspen coffee is the BEST coffee! Even better then (unnamed coffee shops), and so many others!”  After a morning of classes, it was time for a break, and coffee was the answer.

Aspen is located in the central part of Edmond. Right next to the train depot in-between 33rd and Broadway. I have always liked the train depot part of Edmond, so as soon as I found out that it was located in that area.  I felt this was a must to write about for my blog.

The shop has high ceilings and modern light fixtures giving it the feel of a warehouse. The staff seems to have a true desire to be more about health and nature. Staying true to what I think Aspen represents.

Today I sipped on a Mocha. Which I have not had one of those in forever. With a day that is 90 degrees out in Oklahoma, in the first part of fall. I could have easily got this iced, but with wanting colder weather. I got it hot. You can tell they try to use natural products, evident with every sip.  

 As I sat there listening to John Meyer over the speakers, and watching the people come in and out. I remembered that coffee shops remind me of so many times with my friends, and the hours I have spent telling them of the worst, and the best times of life.

 This could have led to my coffee addiction. I truly feel that it is more than coffee, but for me a place to connect with friends and to just hang out.

Of course “if this coffee shop was a person” game begins again. I would have to say that it is someone maybe from Colorado, and ready for some snow in Oklahoma even though it is 90 degrees out. The shop itself is worth taking that ride over the bumpy train tracks.

If you want to know more about Aspen Coffee Company check out the coffee shop website at


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