Saturday, October 11, 2014

Guess Speaker for Blogging for Journalists: What I learned Assignment

As some of my readers know, I am doing this blog for a mass communication class at the University of Central Oklahoma. Dr. Kurt Hochenauer spoke to my blogging class this week on his personal blog.

He taught us that we can take any topic and cover them. What I also learned from Dr. Kurt Hochenauer was that blogging can sometimes be overwhelming and that you do feel as though you do not have enough topics to cover, but somehow you find a topic in that last second, that leads to something amazing.

 I know, personally, when I took another Journalism class, and when people complained about not having enough topics, the teacher always stated there is a story everywhere, and you just have to look for it. Which I guess is true in blogging also.

                I found it intriguing how he said he dealt with negative comments from the public. That he thought those who had a differing perspective should go and do their own personal blogging, and express their opinion that way. I see that blogging is just that, a way of expressing what we feel and what we think on topics.

                I also admired the fact that he did not just write about the usual topics in his category, but tried to step away to uncover new topics, or ones with a new twist.  I personally feel this is very key. No matter how much your category or topic is covered you should try to make it individualistic.

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