Thursday, September 18, 2014

Credo House in Oklahoma City

This is one of my favorite coffee shops in Oklahoma City. I love going there for some studying, and meeting with my best friend. The shop has a strong connection to the Christian faith. When I reported on the shop in the past semester in my journalism class, I learned that each employee is trained in their field, to get special certification in coffee making. If this shop was a person it would be someone who is knowledgeable about their profession, and passionate about it. I asked a fellow coffee patron Connie about her opinion of the coffee shop,and she said,  "This place is amazing to see the deep connect to the a religious background and the staffs commitment to the community."

 Today I tried a cappuccino. It was amazing to me that they can make a design in their coffees like they do. It was just what I needed today, a extra pick me up. The foam topping was perfect, and with the perfect amount of sugar and cream; just what I needed to get through studying for my physical science class.

 The shop itself is very peaceful, and they have awesome music. With awesome seating of overstuffed coaches, and study areas of tables placed throughout the shop, it is obviously something I cannot avoid. It is an amazing place, with an awesome staff, that knows their coffee. That is why I would strongly suggest this coffee shop for anyone wanting a quick cup of coffee.

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